Month: October 2014

Pre- Divorce Preparation

Pre- Divorce Preparation Divorce petition can be filed on any of the legal grounds in India. Once you have decided to move in the direction of divorce it is important that you are prepared for the path ahead. Basic knowledge of legal procedures is very important. You need to do your homework before filing for divorce. The

Leaving an Abusive Wife: Pre-Divorce Checklist When a man reaches the point of deciding to divorce an abusive wife, he has typically been thinking, and possibly ruminating over, the possibility for many years. As Dr. T has discussed previously, there are many factors that work against a man’s  successful break from a wife who displays a litany of narcissistic or

How Emotionally Abusive Women Control You: The Fear of Loss and the Need for Approval Why is it so difficult for men who are being controlled by narcissistic, borderline, histrionic and other abusive women to end the relationship? What keeps them tethered to these abusive personalities sometimes even after the relationship has ended? There are two basic hooks this kind of woman uses to keep men on a readily

ICFAI professor kills his children

Home [I had taken good care of you. why you people(wife and in-laws) are trying to do injustice to me?  I had purchased what ever you wanted.I had done cooking for you. When you were pregnant i purchased a car for you because the bike journey is not good when you were pregnant. You and

‘Pay’ for divorce: Women forcing hubbies to shell out big bucks for freedom

Source- BHOPAL: Some months ago, Divyendu, 28 (name changed) was struggling with his unsuccessful marriage and wanted a divorce. Now, he faces a dowry harassment charge and an extremely difficult task of arranging Rs 15 lakh. His wife has threatened to ruin his life and the only way he can save himself is by arranging

Top 10 Tips To Avoid Anxiety

If you are suffering in anxiety you have 2 choices. Giving in to it or learning to live with it. Giving into it also means that your partner will suffer the burden of your fears so, to make your lives a better place to be, try to find some ways to eliminate or at least limit