Advocate Shahnaz Islam Writes A Heartfelt Article On Current Covid Crisis: A Crestfallen Year


Life always been and happened to be a hurdle race for every individuals in its pace; but it became merciless tyrant when the Covid-19 carved in it’s path.

Casket of thoughts, some feeble vehemence and unspoken words tryst with ailing promises. Life always been and happened to be a hurdle race for every individuals in its pace; but it became merciless tyrant when the Covid-19 carved in it’s path. Lockdown after lockdown, stiffening of coronavirus cases each day, economic slippage, a few riots, political disturbances, employment cutbacks, losses and failures in every lives in bits and pieces has brought human race in drought. Not only in a particular nation, but globally – everyone, everywhere woefully suffered cephalalgy. It is ballooned up more when it gets into one’s veins. Undoubtedly whole mankind is suffering; it is worsening or worsened when one is gravelled in such a dire consequences oneself. Nobody can ever similarly feel the same miseries and agonies felt by migrants workers during the lockdown.

The rape victims and their families what gained and losses in content of pain, blood and traumatic memories are inevitable but never forgotten and debts of forbidden peace. Isolation of damn self turned out to be a massive tormented lores; when raised in suicidal cases crafted with destined lost, brokenhearted humans. Of course, their goodbyes were now stubborn stained in the white linen of their living loved ones. Time cannot heal it! Humanity failed in a terrible trend. Because if an individual is not free to eat, wear, or make choices of his or her own, then what a life faking it up and not emancipation but to called as slaves! And when animals are deprived of fleshes and free from cages for the religions of some of us or mere politics, then what worse one can think of in this century! “The year has been nothing but deluged in pain.”

Are we insanely incredible tamed demons? Or are we putting an excuse to this novel coronavirus as too evildoer?

When lost loved one’s life for this epidemic disease; later the whole family is shattered. When bank balances are nil; worrying about how to feed the family, all the healthy men virtually feel as if they are ill. When winter falls; the carve for quilt is understood for all but it’s unexcusable for one’s young children and elderly parents. Similarly, when a burden is on other’s shoulder one can only sympathize for him, but one can hardly feel the actual pain.

See those selfless heroes – doctors, nurses and cops who never failed to attend the challenges without much care for themselves and their loved ones, when entire world was devastated. Look at these disgusting politicians, on the other hand, who are febicolled over our luck, who always failed us in the past and are failing us in the present to a point of no return by sending us into the gallows of all logical and emotional graveyards. Every one must pay a forfeit to be guilty of his uncalled for conduct! How long the citizens be insensitive and ignoring minimum responsibility as a leader and the head of a serious business?

Suffering is a part of living, just like happiness. Covid-19 will perish and soon be rotting away but life doesn’t cease to live. The difference is that the life can be soothing and much happier when humans decide to help one another without being selfish; learn to live together more as humans not mere men and women.

A vow to oneself – ‘make this world for now and for generations to come a better place to live in’. When I suffered from coronavirus in the early days of the pandemic and a month later my mother was fighting with her ailment laid in the bed, draped as white sculptured; I sat in the hospital aisle voyaging a terrific conflict with myself, my society and the Covid-19. We are at home now, returned alive from the hospital but those thoughts haunt me till date – all nights and all days, like a living ghost house within me. The feelings have been, are we really humans, will humanity ever visit us in its actual manifestation or all these are just fake and mere words to console each others?

The author is an advocate of Gauhati High Court, a freelance writer and a poet.