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Akash Narwala: The 16-year-old who thinks India should ban porn to stop rapes

Source – factordaily.com

Akash Narwala is like any other 16-year-old, and yet he is a bit different from his peers.

Narwala, who lives in Kota in Rajasthan, has filed a public interest litigation petition with the Supreme Court of India seeking a complete ban on porn sites. That makes him the youngest anti-porn activist in the country, and perhaps in the world.

Like other kids his age, he’s in school in the morning — he is a Class XI student at Vidhyanjali Academy in the arts stream — and goes for coaching classes in the evening. When I call him at 7pm in the evening, Narwala has just finished attending his coaching class. “Can we talk once I reach home,” he asks.

“Look at what is happening in schools and colleges. Look at the children who are in the fourth and fifth standard… many of these kids start watching porn from that age” — Akash Narwala, anti-porn activist

Later, during a chat with FactorDaily over the phone, he talks about the problems plaguing India — the insurgency in Kashmir, the crumbling education system, and crime against women.

At the heart of “crime against women”, Narwala thinks lies addiction to pornography. “Look at what is happening in schools and colleges. Look at the children who are in the fourth and fifth standard… many of these kids start watching porn from that age,” he tells FactorDaily.

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