Author: wakilsahab

Another Sample MoU for ending Matrimonial Litigation

BEFORE THE CAW CELL NANAKPURA, NEW DELHI (PRE-LITIGATIVE) (MEDIATION UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE DELHI HIGH COURT LEGAL SERVICES COMMITTEE) MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding is made at New Delhi on this (xx)th day of (month) 20xx. BETWEEN Mrs. 498a d/o abcd w/o victim r/o 1234567, colony pqr, New Delhi-1100nn (hereinafter called the

Living separate then 498a or dv impossible

If you are living separate for some time then the wife cannot file DV and 498a case.For filing these cases one need to live together in same household but the wife cannot file DV against her husband if her husband is living in some other city or country. The wife can only file for maintenance

Grounds to deny Maintenance and Domestic Violence Claims

Hi Friends, In the light of CrPC 125 and DVC, please let me know what are the applicable grounds where we can deny the claims. Please help me by proving appropriate judgments (citations) Regards, Manikanta   CRPC 340 Criminal case against Wife for making False calim in Maintance Case HIS HONOUR JUDGE: 24 th


Deception and Lying is a art .It is also a science as several disorders are linked to it specially antisocial personality disorders,borderline personality disorders and multiple personality disorders.Unfortunately in Indian setting Such sophetications and not available and maximum understnading of courts room relate to schizophrenia and depression /alcoholic husbnads.But some woman are adept at this

Alimony as a Right to women?

Source – Recently in many quarters there is a demand of making alimony as a right to women. Many feminist organizations are seeking this as a right stating that divorced women undergo a lot of hardships after divorce and hence most of the time it becomes difficult for them to fight a court battle