Karnataka DGP Circular – 498A arrest guidelines English Translation: No: 10/ /2010 Director general and Inspector General of Police Station, Nrupatunga road, Bangalore Date: 01-10-2010 Sub: Under 498, 498a I.P.C and Dowry prohibition act, the Procedure to arrest the Accused. Based on the study of complaints of 498, 498a IPC and Dowry prohibition
The Indian Penal Code, 1860 provides adequate safeguards to punish those who indulge in false complaints. Section 182 (False information, with intent to cause public servant to use his lawful power to the injury of another person) provides imprisonment upto 6 months or fine upto Rs 1000/- or both for giving false information to the
1. MUMBAI HIGH COURT : Dated 4 Feb 2005 Maintenance not granted as it is proved that wife wants to reside separately. 2. MUMBAI HIGH COURT : Dated Apr 2008. Maintenance not granted as it is proved no reason to leave husbands. 3. CHENNAI HIGH COURT : Dated 21 June 2002 Maintenance Denied 4. CHENNAI
Dear Friends, The misuse of IPC 498A is a very big problem in India. The misuse of IPC 498A has become a business of a lot of a) a) matrimonial dispute wives, b) b) corrupted police offices, c) c) corrupted lawyers and judges and d) d) Unscrupulous people.
NC stands for non-cognizable offence. File a NC to nearest Poilce station if you are expecting False 498a or DV cases against you. The moment you have realized that your wife might file false 498a or DV case against you in order to settled her own disputes with you, You should file NC in police
This is the live audio of how a 498A daughter can threaten her father for imposing a false rape case. This is an example of how far 498A inflicted females can go. Society does not have any answer for this. Nor does the law provide any remedy. Think of what can happen to would be