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District Bar Association Chandigarh submits plan for resumption of physical hearing of cases in courts


Stressing on the need to alleviate hardship and sufferings due to restrictive functioning of the courts the District Bar Association (DBA) Chandigarh, Sector43, has readied to resume physical hearings of the courts in a phased manner. In an action plan submitted before District and Sessions Judge, the DBA president, NK Nanda, demanded that physical hearings should be resumed in a phased manner with all safety measures in place.

The DBA said, “In times of unprecedented crisis when pandemic has brought the world to a standstill certain measures can be taken by the judicial system to kick-start the process of filing and physical hearing of cases. The legal fraternity is hardest hit and advocates are finding hard to fend for themselves. So, the District Bar Association Chandigarh urges for re-beginning of the physical courts in a phased manner.”

The DBA suggested certain measures before starting physical hearings. “Physical appearance of advocates can be started in a staggered manner with two judicial officers on every floor. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) can be adopted while starting physical courts. Strict adherence to Covid protocol can be maintained,” said Nanda.

“The workforce can be deployed at entry points of courtrooms well equipped with foot-operated sanitisers, masks, handwash and thermal scanners. Every lawyer gaining entry into court rooms should be hand sanitised, screened and masked,” Nanda added.

“Volunteers of the Bar Association can help in every possible manner, which the authorities may deem fit. More than 4,000 advocates are members of the District Bar Association. The association will ensure that none of its member flouts Covid protocol,” said Nanda.