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First woman chief justice of Delhi high court to head panel on OBC sub-categorisation

Source – economictimes.indiatimes.com

NEW DELHI: A five-member commission headed by retired justice G Rohini would examine the politically-sensitive issue of sub-categorisation of Other Backward Castes (OBCs) and submit its report within three months. 

President Ram Nath Kovind appointed the panel under Justice G Rohini, who was the first woman Chief Justice of Delhi high court and retired earlier this year. The decision to appoint the commission follows the August 23 Cabinet decision to examine the extent of inequitable distribution of benefits of reservation amongst caste, communities, included in the broad category of OBC. 

At present, there is no sub-categorisation and 27 per cent reservation is a monolithic entity. The sub-categorisation within OBC list would mean a more equitable distribution of reservation as per numerical population. 

The Commission would have as its members director of Chennai-based Centre for Policy Studies Dr J K Bajaj, Anthropological Survey of India director, Registrar General and Census Commissioner and joint secretary of social justice and empowerment ministry. 

The commission would examine the extent of inequitable distribution of benefits of reservation among the castes or communities included in the broad category of OBCs with reference to such classes included in the Central List, work out the mechanism, criteria, norms and parameters in a scientific approach for sub-categorisation within such OBCs and take up the exercise of identifying the respective castes or communities or sub-castes or synonyms in the Central List of OBCs and classifying them into their respective sub-categories. 

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