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Hw to extract information to reduce maintenance.

https://mensrightactivist.wordpress.com/category/process/interim-maintenance-pwdva/ <– just follow this..

At high level strongest points are :-

1. if you can prove she is earning. by hook or crook.
2. She doesn’t has any loans.
3. She doesn’t has any reponsibility of family.
4. There is no prima facie … proof in case.
5. She left on her own wish.
6. Come to court with clean hands.
7. Abusing Court by using benefits given by court for protecting weaker section of society.
8. Your dependents. 
9. Your liabilities.
10.If you don’t have kids…mention, no kid out of marriage.
11. be clean with all points from your side … don’t lie or try to misled from your side.

For interirum :-

1. target : using interrogatories.
2. written arguments.
3. use affidavit from your side..about things you know and 100% sure about her details.. and let her deny…
4. use RTI fully to attack on all possible details :- 
a.. getting her salary details./income details. 
b. getting her property details.
c. getting her families property details(incase, she says they are dependent..)
d. if she says she did big marriage expense.. then checkout TEP .. and RTI for any deals.. like seeling land, buying flat..etc..
e. RTI to get all cases she filed.. and contradictgory statements from each…

This is just few ponts… please do refer to Chand Sirs site as well … that gives all You need.

I was PIP and with just that small info… I was able to get IM dismissed. 
my arguments were less than 5 mins… that too I was not knowing 🙂 .. i thought arguments was on application filed by her..
but that was actual arguments..and only arguments , I got to do…

but then opp lawyer trashed me for 30 mins… but at end… I was able to get it dismiss… as I was to the point.. and just followed only above points… I iniitally disclosed 3 years ITR income.. (which is not advisable…) in my DV WS .. and She lied… 
so that gave full support for me to fight… unclean hands and she only accepted earning with showing less salary…

So, these are just pointers..

Another way :-

1. if you have properties… just checkout if you can sell them off… ( I know pain and I would not recommend.) 
or if you have only one… then checkout you can show your loan liablities… (like show valid reasons and take up loan on that).
now, with that loan amount.. invest somewhere on family members name… (may be Mom or any other… checkout with seniors).

2. try to go for PIP … never ever disclose much to lawyer.

3. Your goals/strategies… you should keep to yourself… and disclose to lawyer..one step at a time… 
i.e. you should drive him…what to do and what not to do.

4. be very calm.. cool… never show any expressions.. just be blank expressions on any good, bad things… but always checkout their mood..their views..styles..verbal and nonverbal mode of communication.. that will always help to give hints… about their state …

5. Make sure, to njoy each and everything in best possible way… Yours families health…is top priority…so juggle around that.

6. Yoga or Gym is must…. so that, at physical and spiritual level You will be Super Strong.

7. She should not get any of your updates… by any medium.. so make sure… You have CUT all LINES.. (fb,whatsapp,all …)

8. Always be bold.. that I will fight to Prove my innocence first…. rest later. and NO MUTUAL divorce… and still if they push… just put condition … zero alimony then only MCD and that too, this option will not be available always… max 1 time she can try…
if that try fails… then there is no way..MCD… as You can not trust. So, Show that YOU will FIGHT TILL END.

9. Don’t delay anything…. Its your lifes golden moments … and You don’t have to delay for Money…. Money can full fill anytime… but golden moements will NOT…. so, don’t show any hurry outside…to anyone… 
but actually, plan for everything without any delay.

10. For every court date /police station… maintain diary…write brief rojnama everytime…. 

11. For every mistake of theirs… shout and get that on record..with help of applications as well as phursis.

12. Use Interrogatories very effectively and at start of cases…

13. checkout if you can gather things to file Criminal cases against her….a BIG Homework is MUST… only once you have all cards in your hand… file Criminal case… anything… any small silly damn thing…. This is like best shortcut to get them to knee…
if you succeed in filing one case…which is going to be black and white… everything will get loosen…and MCD for 100% with your terms and conditions… 

You don’t have to fight for LONG… You have to hit nail at exact point…and if you do that, all things gets resolved… so everytime..everday… wait/watch/think/take priority action..when such opportunities comes… DELAY in that will cause BIG … so, 
Network/discuss/Read/Learn .. and make sure you are ON TOP of everything… If you have done 100% from your side.. and She is at fault… This will double your confidence…. 

When/where/what … is only thing you need to check… and Thats what SIF is there…. 🙂

14. Finally, As Dada says… its WAR…. Fight it like WAR…. You are 90% … Lawyer is 10% ….. and This WAR is full Mental Game… 

if opp parts looses in MIND… Thats it… so, be strong, be hard Mentally… if you are good on this… Your case will get over damn quickly…



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