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What an illogical and apartheid thinking do Indian wife have. You are asking such thing which is dead. Can you ever imagine a dead body to stand and speak with you once you have killed him? How could you predict with the same for your marriage. Making false cases to teach a lesson to your husband and In-laws is anything beyond justification. Marriages are the junction of two hearts, where each other is eagerly waiting for re-union after many halts.
I have come across several situations and threads posted by victim wives.They are asking how to get reunite after making her own husband and in-laws accused in 498a, 406, 506,420,34,35etc.For the just sake of teaching a powerful lesson to their husband and in-laws.They claim that their marriages been solemnized by the way of hefty dowry and gifts which were given by their parents, how could be leave this by saying let them go.
Dear, wives have you ever thought No husband side can take dowry once the girl side strictly say NO to such grooms. Why the hell the girl’s parents are marrying their daughter to such greedy institutions. I beg my pardon here, Many marriages took place with NRI as an assumption of luxury and world tour for their daughters, but they don’t even think that “only money can’t give happiness to their lovely daughter’s”. Here the question of Ditch by NRI’s stops once the parents will come out from the money game.
In India the show game is everywhere, like for example:-in an apartment two members of same earning and of age i.e.,one Sharma jii has purchased a car called i10, the very next day or within a week you will come to know that other member called Mishra jii adjacent to his flat also purchased a car but not i10 it’s i20 it’s not matter how he had purchased, may be by selling the jewellery of his wife or by Loan. The big question is same here for marriage…. In India marriages have different eye point of view.Here,the lust of giving dowry is more than taking dowry. The great pomp and show will be a never a different story for even a chai wala’s daughter.
I knew it’s not easy to stand once more when these institutions of marriage doesn’t work after that. My question here is do Money you have given is equivalent to your precious life?. Don’t differ from the genuine cases here, as I am talking about false cases only to cough out the money which bride side has given and groom side has taken.
Dear wives, even you are 25-30 at the time of false cases definitely you will cross 31-36 minimum after the decision of cases and I am not sure that everything you have needed will achieve within this time frame after rigorous efforts of court hearings.
But in true sense if you are qualified and in these 6 years who might have collected the whooping success by your meritorious experiences of job which would be useful to your in every aspect of your life. Why to be hell bent to get the dead body attached with your neck all the time, when you also know that nothing will happen even you put 302 IPC charge on your husband and in-laws to cohabit with you.
Moreover, the only matters is love and affection through out your entire life which you can easily achieve in due course of time once you will be free from your own dead marriages as early as you can. So, Please don’t use these words as “”I FILLED CRIMINAL CASES ON HUSBAND YET I WANT HIM BACK”