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ICFAI professor kills his children

ICFAI professor killed his children[I had taken good care of you. why you people(wife and in-laws) are trying to do injustice to me? 
I had purchased what ever you wanted.I had done cooking for you. When you were pregnant i purchased a car for you because the bike journey is not good when you were pregnant.
You and your parents imprinted me as a criminal by filing false cases(498A..etc) on me. I am unable to bear the torture of false cases.
My father-in-law manhandled me many times and I never manhandled my wife or any one. But they had broadcasted me as I had manhandled and i am insane which is torturing me a lot.
I had requested my wife many times to join and live with me but she refused.
Finally I had written letters to her working office Infosys and it’s chairman Narayana Murthy to solve this problem but no use.
I had written letter to Central Home ministry about misuse of 498A by his wife and her family.
How my property should be distributed written in detail in a letter.
To his wife he said – as you do not need me or my kids and you need only property so we are leaving this world. His last wish to the Indian Govt. is to stop 498A section and innocent husbands not to get effected like him.]
The above was the excerpts from the suicide note written by the ICFAI professor A R Guruprasad who killed his own sons before killing himself.

Shame is ashamed yet again in India. This time through the hands of another empowered woman who has not left any room for an educated scholar to live a peaceful life. Indian women are yet again shamed by the blatant misuse of our impotent justice system that takes years to deliver justice, the words of the last letter written by an erudite scholar A R Guruprasad and the sufferings depicted in them goes beyond the intended audience and knocks straight on the doors of Indian Parliament and Indian Supreme Court.

This letter shakes the hearts of all Indian men who have suffered these atrocities. The innocent faces of two most beautiful boys on the earth will not see this world any more, not because they didnā€™t deserve the same but because the cruel Indian legal system didnā€™t allow them to live.
Indian media has continued to shame us by portraying Guruprasad as a cruel father for what he has done to his children and by completely ignoring the enormous pain and heartbreak he had gone through in his married life. Indian media has done enormous injustice to a suffering fatherā€™s emotions and to the emotions of an erudite scholar who didnā€™t see any hope for life for himself and for his sons. With best of his abilities he tried to reconcile with his wife and repeatedly appealed to her for living with him. Even on the fateful day he has tried that. He failed all the time. His greedy wife has kept his children away from a loving father and showed interest only in his property.
A man who was never a crackpot as claimed by a part of our media because he has done research like this. Media by projecting him as a crackpot only proved to be biased and failing yet again to do justice to their own profession. This media did not read or understand his letter, they did not try to delve into the problem but jumped conclusion by branding him a cruel father. Common man is also no exception. In their comments many men oblivious to the facts of his life commented that he should go to hell and only hell. Oh yesā€¦he was already living in hell, the real hell will not be even worse.
His suicide letter clarifies a lot, it tells us that his wife not only did not want to live with him, probably she didnā€™t want his children too. We see many such cases in recent times where women refuse to carry children of the man they are married to and also refuse to leave them. These greedy criminals take full advantage of our legal system and politics of women empowerment.
He was manhandled many a times by his father in law but he has always shown restraint to his wife. In-spite of being maltreated by his in-laws he has always taken care of his family. He has provided them with all luxuries when it was needed, yet all he was gifted by this cruel system was misery and pain.
The role of a man is considered to be that of a provider and protector of his family. He has shown all those characteristics throughout his life, he wanted to protect his children and that is why he wanted to compromise with his abusive wife and abusive in-laws. He has written letters to all possible people he could think of to reunite his family but failed. He failed because his cruel wife wanted only money and property and not a family.
So a protector and loving father failed to protect his own family. He failed miserably to protect two of his sons from the clutches of their own mother who didnā€™t want them either. So when he decided to end his life due to these atrocities how could he ensure safety and security of his own children? Any loving father in this situation will understand that the cruel mother will kill his children slowly when he is not around. He foresaw the fate of his little children who didnā€™t even get chance to know their father properly. As a counselor of such cases I know that in all such cases the mother will invariably slow poison the mind of the children against their own father. I will not be surprised if that was happening in this case too. The innocent children were being pushed to a corner by the cruel society and by their cruel mother and her family members. In this situation what else a dying father can do, what else a loving father can do to ensure that his children do not die everyday? NO. Psychologists say in these cases men chose to end their genes themselves and not leave it to the cruel world to end little by little every day. These include every man who is probably commenting against him today. Only they need to undergo such cruelty and see their own children going against them or dying in the hands of such system every day.
Also for information of such people who are praying that he goes to hell should know that equal number (if not more) mothers also kill their babies. And are already demanding this as a right under post-partum syndrome –

Cruel Feminism ā€“ Now mothers want right to kill their own babies

Killing of children by their own parents is not new. It is known as filicide (killing children upto the age of 18 years). Psychologists have shown (fathers who kill) that the stepfathers kill their stepchildren more as biological fathers have vested interest in saving their own genes for future. In a research done by Resnick (2) in 1969, there may be many reasons for such paternal filicide, out of which these two seem to have worked in this case ā€“
  1. Altruistic filicide ā€“ The parent kills the child because it is in the best interest of the child. And
  2. Spouse revenge filicide ā€“ for taking revenge on their spouse.
Friedman et al. In their study in 2005 (3) have shown that 50% fathers who kill their children (filicide ā€“ suicide) and then commit suicide were suffering from depression.
There are many psychological studies that have shown different other neurotic disorders behind such filicide. None of these can be ruled out in the case of Dr. Guruprasad as well. Some of these might have caused due to the unending cruelty meted out to him by his in-laws and primarily by his own wife.
I was initially shocked to see the method of killing his children. He killed them by cutting their throats. That is very cruel according to me. But I was surprised to see the psychological analysis in this regard. In their paper on ā€œFathers who kill their children: An analysis of literatureā€ (1) psychologists have shown that this is the most common method of killing their children by the fathers.
The researchers commented that such violent crimes ā€œmay be fueled by rage coupled with mental illness.ā€ The researchers noted that very often these victims do not seek any psychological help or help of counselors. We understand the real problem of men in such cases. They consider them as protector for everyone from the childhood but they donā€™t know how to protect themselves.
In this case it was also found that the father has covered the dead bodies of his child in his plot in Medhchal. Psychologists say that fathers who do this show that they are actually ashamed of killing their children and wanted to hide the same. That is what we understand from Guruprasadā€™s act as well. He was ashamed of killing his children but he was driven to do the same by the cruelty of our legal system that denied justice to him and to his children.
The question is then why did he try to send an SMS to his wife and finally didnā€™t send it. This could have been his message to his wife to show that he won in the battle. He didnā€™t allow her to enjoy the blessings of their sons. She ruined his life, he ruined hers.
But then why he didnā€™t send it finally? By his elaborate seven page letter it is clear that he was forced to end his own life he was frustrated by the non-responsive and cruel society as no one came forward to his help and he decided to end his genes in his children too. It is clear that this society didnā€™t allow him to live any more. But his final decision of not sending the sms coupled with covering his dead children shows he was ashamed of his behaviour and just wanted to end his life fast.
This incident shows clearly the level to which misuse of women centric laws have gone. Men cornered from all sides are left with no option but to commit suicide and end their own genes. Guruprasad wanted 498a to be repealed he didnā€™t succeed. He needed help but he didnā€™t ask anyone about it. He didnā€™t approach any MRA and decided everything on his own. He was educated, hard working and a loving father. He wanted his feelings to be reciprocated but this cruel society and his own family didnā€™t reciprocate. His wife and in-laws are directly responsible for the fate of him and his children. If our legal system can not take immediate action against them immediately it will only prove itself to be impotent. It will only create room for many more such murders before we see complete anarchy around us.
Mr. Guruprasad was never a criminal. He was a loving father and a caring husband as elucidated by his suicide note. He was faithful to judiciary and legal system. That is why he has sent letters to authorities but in vain. So he was pissed off with this society. He wanted to eliminate his lineage, his existence from this earth. He also didnā€™t want his children to suffer in the hands of their cruel mother. He was ashamed of his act too. So he attacked them from behind, he couldnā€™t face them. He buried them and did perform last rites meaning he wanted them to live peacefully hereafter. This happens when a protector fails to protect himself and clearly demonstrates the cruelty of his in-laws.
All people who work in Infosys with Guruprasadā€™s wife Suhasini need to understand the gravity of her crime and if the company doesnā€™t sack her immediately they need to boycott her completely. All her neighbours and relatives need to discontinue their relations with this criminal family until they are sent to rigorous imprisonment for these murders. If the legal system can not punish them for being women, we as a society can do it collectively; else such women and families will keep haunting us and keep claiming innocent lives and then portray themselves as victims.

If you are suffering from such atrocities in your married life from your wife and in-laws then let the world know by taking this survey and spreading it –

Survey on intimate partner violence against Indian men

Letā€™s bring justice to ICFAI professor A R Guruprasad and his children from this injustice by a cruel woman and her family members. Letā€™s stop legal terrorism under false 498a cases and prevent husband suicides.
*Image Courtesy ā€“ Deccan Chronicle
  1. Fathers Who Kill Their Children: An Analysis of the Literature by Sara G. West, M.D.; Susan Hatters Friedman,M.D.; and Phillip J. Resnick, M.D ā€“ J Forensic Sci, March 2009, Vol. 54, No. 2
  2. Resnick PJ. Murder of the newborn: a psychiatric review of neonaticide. Am J Psychiatry 1970;126(10):1414ā€“20.
  3. Resnick PJ. Child murder by parents: a psychiatric review of filicide. Am J Psychiatry 1969;126(3):325ā€“34.
  4. Friedman SH, Horwitz SM, Resnick PJ. ā€“ ā€œChild murder by mothersa critical analysis of the current state of knowledge and a research agenda. Am J Psychiatry 2005;162(9):1578ā€“87.
  5. Mick Philpott ā€“ Fathers who kill their children. Huffington Post

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