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Claim Your Website NowSeptember 25, 2014
If Wife or Wife Family threat you to reach to your office for any dowary harassement and DV?
1. She is threatening you.say her to write a letter to my employer which will terminate me,this will have effect of her.What will have use this in TEP and may file dp3/4 on her and her parents and can use it to file defamation.Let the bomb blast rather then be a constant threat.
2. Dont worry take it positive Please collect all messages and letters sent by girl as a proof .it is a mental cruelity it can be useful for you in present cases as per law point of view.
3. Also plan to register defamation and blackmailing case against her.
4. Encourage her to send the letter to your employer depicting dowry harassment. Collect all the proofs & file DP3/4 on her…Supreme court prefers filing of DP3/DP4 for giving dowry before opponent files the case for taking dowry.
5. When wife causes job loss of her husband, it becomes sufficient ground for the husband to seek divorce,Tiz Hazari District court – News item in Hindi (use Google Translate for getting rough English translation)
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