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Law Dept. seeks views on uniform civil code

Source:- thehindu.com

Further to the Law Commission of India’s proposal for exploring the viability of a ‘Uniform Civil Code’, the Law Department has elicited views from the public.

According to an official press note, the Law Commission had adverted to the terms of reference of the 21st Law Commission of India, wherein one of the mandates was to examine the existing laws in the light of the Directive Principles of State policy and to suggest ways of improvement and reform and also to suggest such legislations as might be necessary to implement the Directive Principles and to attain the objectives set out in the Preamble of the Constitution and Article 44, which mandates the state with providing for its citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.

Towards this, the Law Commission of India has primarily focussed on family laws of all religious groups and the diversity of customary practices. Especially, while deliberating on family reforms in India, the Commission has stressed on women’s right rather than dwelling upon “Constitutional provisions, religious rights and political debates”, a Law Department circular said.

The department has called upon the public to send their opinion directly to the Commission either through post or by email to lci-dla@nic.in.

The circular of the Law Department on the proposal has been made available for public view at the Department’s website law.puducherry.gov.in.

The general public are hereby requested to reply to the questionnaire and also convey their suggestions/objections, if any, to the above proposal, the department said.

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