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Legal advantage and disadvantage if you plan to stay separatly in failed marriage?

Hi All,
I am starrting new email thread so it will be noticed by many friends who is in kind of mind state who wants to stay separatly in failed marriage but same time they would like to know all the PROS n CONS for the same.
  1. Could you please share more of your experience in terms of legal advantage and disadvantage if you plan to stay separatly?
  2. Should you officially inform her/her family of this decision?
  3. Should you inform to Police Station?
  4. What about if she comes to your place where you are staying forcefully?
  5. What about if she and her family comes to office place and do drama.?
  6. What are the ways to send strong message to them?
  7. Should you continuing paying current house rent and her monthly expenditure?
  8. Based on multiple thread, i got to know that filing a divorce is just like jumping from frying pen to fire. So what next should be done if you cant stay any more with such person?
Response –
No law can force someone to stay with other person except giving maintenance.

However, if peeved she can file frivolous cases and then the same would be a lengthy court battle.

Better to resolve the disputes amicably.

It’s best to seek Judicial Seperation in such a matter. What Judicial Seperation would do is it makes cohabitation non compulsory. It is granted on the same grounds as divorce i.e cruelty, adultery etc. Its best to go in for in cases like we have here, were a party hates living together as much as the thought of divorce. It would give you plenty time to bounce back or part away. The best part about this is – if it remains in force for a year i.e you stay away for a year, and then you want to get out the union. The divorce path is also made a lot easier.

What is legally stated as sum total answer under this second question is termed as “separation” and by such charges one can yes get ‘seperation’ decree from court but why go to that level as mere ‘seperation’ the bonds of marriage does not get dissolved for any future activities so sum total balance your day-today needs and supply accordingly as you are one who is suffering and with such short briefs it becomes difficult to expressly point to one direction as ‘gurumantra” on what to do and what laws says exclusively about such activities as stated in your opening brief on reason to shift shared household yet keeping ties with parents. It all boils down to careful adjustments and giving space by spouses.

However your above 2 questions are stop gap arrangements you are forced as social person to experiment. In my view both of you need finality as marital life cannot run on staying away from shared home during lunch and dinner and tomorrow suppose if she snores badly then where your nites will be spent and day after tomorrow she says she likes Manali or Darjeeling hill stations let us shift there….so there is no end to desires and whims and fancies of female married metro spouse! Think for long term solution and plan / take present steps accordingly.


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