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Man ends life, alleging Dowry Act misuse, records suicide message

Source – http://www.eni.network24.co/india/man-commits-suicide-due-to-misuse-of-dowry-act-records-final-message-13046_5

Bhupendra Singh for ENI

Ahmedabad: Dowry deaths has been a common occurrence in our country where husbands and in-laws are often painted as the culprits but a shocking instance of misuse of the Dowry Act has come to light where the husband has been driven to commit suicide by his wife and his family.

Ahmedabad-based Hardik Rawal was forced to commit suicide after being repeatedly troubled by his wife and family. Rawal recorded a video before taking the extreme step blaming his wife Deepti and his in-laws for his death. The two married eight years ago and have two daughters.   

In the video, he has requested his brother to take care of their parents and get his daughters married. He has indicated in the video that he wanted to live but was forced to take the step.

The couple used to fight over small matters and had a troubled marriage. When Hardik went to Deepti’s house a couple   of years ago, he was threatened by her father, mother, two brothers and uncle. Rawal has stated in the video that his in-laws threatened to get him jailed using the Dowry Act.

So much fear was drilled into Rawal’s mind that he took the extreme step.

Rawal has said in his final message that his wife should not be given any right on his property. – See more at: http://www.eni.network24.co/india/man-commits-suicide-due-to-misuse-of-dowry-act-records-final-message-13046_5#sthash.V9x3ZOzR.dpuf

Bhupendra Singh for ENI

Ahmedabad: Dowry deaths has been a common occurrence in our country where husbands and in-laws are often painted as the culprits but a shocking instance of misuse of the Dowry Act has come to light where the husband has been driven to commit suicide by his wife and his family.

Ahmedabad-based Hardik Rawal was forced to commit suicide after being repeatedly troubled by his wife and family. Rawal recorded a video before taking the extreme step blaming his wife Deepti and his in-laws for his death. The two married eight years ago and have two daughters.  

In the video, he has requested his brother to take care of their parents and get his daughters married. He has indicated in the video that he wanted to live but was forced to take the step.

The couple used to fight over small matters and had a troubled marriage. When Hardik went to Deepti’s house a couple   of years ago, he was threatened by her father, mother, two brothers and uncle. Rawal has stated in the video that his in-laws threatened to get him jailed using the Dowry Act.

So much fear was drilled into Rawal’s mind that he took the extreme step.

Rawal has said in his final message that his wife should not be given any right on his property. – See more at: http://www.eni.network24.co/india/man-commits-suicide-due-to-misuse-of-dowry-act-records-final-message-13046_5#sthash.V9x3ZOzR.dpuf

Bhupendra Singh for ENI

Ahmedabad: Dowry deaths has been a common occurrence in our country where husbands and in-laws are often painted as the culprits but a shocking instance of misuse of the Dowry Act has come to light where the husband has been driven to commit suicide by his wife and his family.

Ahmedabad-based Hardik Rawal was forced to commit suicide after being repeatedly troubled by his wife and family. Rawal recorded a video before taking the extreme step blaming his wife Deepti and his in-laws for his death. The two married eight years ago and have two daughters.   

In the video, he has requested his brother to take care of their parents and get his daughters married. He has indicated in the video that he wanted to live but was forced to take the step.

The couple used to fight over small matters and had a troubled marriage. When Hardik went to Deepti’s house a couple   of years ago, he was threatened by her father, mother, two brothers and uncle. Rawal has stated in the video that his in-laws threatened to get him jailed using the Dowry Act.

So much fear was drilled into Rawal’s mind that he took the extreme step.

Rawal has said in his final message that his wife should not be given any right on his property. – See more at: http://www.eni.network24.co/india/man-commits-suicide-due-to-misuse-of-dowry-act-records-final-message-13046_5#sthash.V9x3ZOzR.dpuf


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