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MCC of High Court launches online mediation training for Judicial Officers


Mediation and Conciliation Committee (MCC) of High Court of Jammu & Kashmir, under the patronage of Chief Justice of J&K High Court, Gita Mittal and under the guidance of Chairman Mediation and Conciliation Committee, Justice Tashi Rabstan and members of the committee including Justice Sindhu Sharma, Justice Rajnesh Oswal and Justice Javed Iqbal Wani today launched online 40 hour mediation training for the Judicial Officers of Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh so as to make the judicial system more effective and useful besides bringing down the arrears of pendency pending for disposal before the courts.

Mediation is also an inexpensive and quick mode of resolving disputes between the parties without wasting the precious time of Courts and the contesting parties.

The first phase of mediation programme will be conducted from 26th October 2020 to 28th of October 2020, second phase from 9th November to 11th November and the third phase would be held from 17th of November to 21st of November 2020.

The online Mediation programme is being conducted by eminent resource persons from Delhi including Senior Advocate, J.P. Sengh, Senior Advocate Veena Ralli, Advocate Sumit Chander and Advocate Mitali Gupta.

Chief Justice Gita Mittal highlighted the importance of Mediation as an alternate dispute resolution and portrayed the role of judges in providing non-conventional alternate system of speedy justice to the parties. She said that there is need for training Judicial Officers, as judicial work cannot be performed by mere intelligence or knowledge but it requires wisdom, intellect and comprehension in performing the sacred duty assigned to them. Training is required to shape the personality of a judge so as to make him/her more efficient and accomplished.

Masarat Roohi, Co-ordinator J&K Mediation and Conciliation Committee said that under the kind patronage and guidance of Patron-in-Chief Gita Mittal, Chief Justice of High Court of J&K and members of the Committee, such online mediation programmes for judicial officers shall be conducted frequently so that the concept of mediation reaches to every household in Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.