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Claim Your Website NowMP IAS officer hits back at ex-CM by writing letter on dumpers.
Source – in.news.yahoo.com
Rewa (MP), Nov 15 (PTI) An IAS officer has written aletter to former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj SinghChouhan and raised the issue of ‘dumpers’ in it in a bid toembarrass the senior BJP leader.
The Congress had earlier alleged that Chouhan and hiswife had bought dumpers, estimated to cost Rs 2 crore each,despite showing meagre income in poll affidavits.
The case against Chouhan, filed by a Congress leader,was first dismissed by the Madhya Pradesh High Court and thenby the Supreme Court.
In his letter, which was shared with the media onFriday, Rewa municipal commissioner Sabhajit Yadav askedChouhan for his address in Rewa to ‘park dumpers’.
Earlier, while leading a farm protest on November 4,Chouhan had accused Yadav of indulging in politics for thesake of the latter’s wife.
‘My wife has not stood for any elections but Chouhanshould disclose his Rewa address. I will get it cleaned up assome people want to park dumpers there,’ Yadav wrote.
Last year, the apex court had refused to entertain aplea against Chouhan challenging a High Court order pertainingto a criminal complaint against him for his alleged role inthe ‘dumper scam’.
MP Congress spokesperson KK Mishra had alleged in hisplea that Chouhan and his wife had bought dumpers despiteshowing meagre income in poll affidavits.
Mishra had claimed that, according to the declaration,the Chouhans had Rs 2.3 lakh in their bank accounts which wasinsufficient to purchase dumpers costing approximately Rs 2crore.
In January 2018, the Madhya Pradesh High Court haddismissed Mishra’s revision plea challenging the dismissal ofthe complaint against Chouhan.
Mishra had alleged the dumpers were bought in the nameof Chouhan’s wife, Sadhana.
Mishra, in his petition, had claimed that Sadhana’shusband’s name was shown as SR Singh, and the address as JPNagar Plant, Rewa.
The Congress leader had claimed that the name wasmisleading and the address false.
On Friday, commissioner Yadav accused Chouhan, duringhis tenure as CM, of wrongdoing in allotment of homes to thepoor.
‘I have written a letter to Chouhan as he has soughtinformation from me regarding housing for the poor underdifferent beneficial schemes,’ Yadav told PTI.
Yadav said Chouhan sought the information on houses ina memorandum the latter gave to the divisional commissionerduring a protest here on November 4.
Chouhan told reporters on Friday that he had notreceived any letter from the Rewa municipal commissioner.
Speaking on the issue, Chouhan said, ‘I don’t want tocomment on it. The matter (dumper issue) has already beensolved (disposed of by the court).’ PTI COR LAL MASBNM BNM