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Source – morungexpress.com India’s supreme Court May soon take one of its most interesting and far reaching court decisions, one that could go down as pivotal in Indian history. At stake is the TRIPLE TALAQ_ a Muslim practice in which a Muslim man can legally divorce his wife almost instantaneously by uttering the Arabic word

ASCI Strengthens its Consumer Complaints Process

Source – adageindia.in In its continuous endeavor to strengthen the professional and ethical standards in the advertising industry and ensure responsible advertising and thereby protect the interests of the consumers, The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has introduced an “Independent Review Process”. This procedure facilitates an independent mechanism to review the recommendations made by Consumer

Palekar PIL could change censorship law in India

Source – indiatimes.com “Why censor anything at all…it’s so rigid today,” said a friend who felt that all attempts to ‘curb’ were restrictive and wrong. Films have always been closely associated with Freedom. “But, Freedom comes with riders. Your freedom should not hurt another’s,” I said, “In our quest for freedom, we must ensure not to