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Is Alimony Offensive to Today’s Modern Woman or Modern Man?

Source -http://www.huffingtonpost.com/diane-l-danois-jd/do-you-think-alimony-offe_b_4168545.html When the concepts of alimony were first constructed, we lived in a society where most women were unable to work outside of the home and earn a living. And divorce was based on fault. Therefore, if a marriage ended and the husband was at fault, the wife was left in need of permanent

Qualified for job, woman denied maintenance by Delhi court

Source – http://www.financialexpress.com/news/qualified-for-job-woman-denied-maintenance-by-delhi-court/1192446 A woman has been declined interim maintenance by a Delhi court, which observed that she was professionaly more qualified than her estranged husband and had failed to show why she didn’t look for a job. Additional District Judge in Delhi Sujata Kohli declined the plea for interim maintenance filed by a woman,


Source – http://epaperbeta.timesofindia.com/Article.aspx?eid=31807&articlexml=WOMEN-NOW-BEING-DENIED-OR-ASKED-TO-PAY-17052014101004 The husband paying maintenance to an estranged/ex-wife is the textbook model for divorce proceedings. However, in a recent trend, courts have been denying maintenance to the wife if she is capable of earning or was earning in the past. There have also been cases in which the court has told the wife

5 Steps To Win The Interim Maintenance

Source  – http://mensrightactivist.wordpress.com/2013/11/18/5-steps-to-win-the-interim-maintenance/ 5 Steps To Win The Interim Maintenance Interim maintenance can fight with different ways it is mostly depend upon the type of party, type of lawyer and other factor and it change case to case basis, but as per my observation few are the useful point to fight the Interim Maintenance. 5 steps

Rich wives pay alimony to hubbies to end marriage asap

Source – http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/relationships/man-woman/Rich-wives-pay-alimony-to-hubbies-to-end-marriage-asap/articleshow/35114784.cms In recent divorce cases, courts, deviating from the norm, have been denying maintenance to the wife if she is capable of earning or was earning in the past. There are also cases of the wife being asked to pay maintenance to the husband. The husband paying maintenance to the wife is the textbook

Court denies alimony to woman, says she’s capable of working

Source- http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/court-denies-alimony-to-woman-says-she-s-capable-of-working/article1-1199868.aspx A woman has been denied alimony by a Delhi court which observed that she was capable of working as she used to do before marriage and so was not dependent upon her husband for survival.“The couple does not have any child and therefore the woman was as independent as the man to work