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101 Ways to get rid of your wife

1.take her on a date and go to the drive thru. 2.for her anniversay dont buy her anything and say “you have me. what more could you want?” 3.plan a hunting trip on her birthday 4.plan a vacation and then invite all of your friends to come along 5.pretend to forget her name infront of

Man ends life, alleging Dowry Act misuse, records suicide message

Source – http://www.eni.network24.co/india/man-commits-suicide-due-to-misuse-of-dowry-act-records-final-message-13046_5 Bhupendra Singh for ENI Ahmedabad: Dowry deaths has been a common occurrence in our country where husbands and in-laws are often painted as the culprits but a shocking instance of misuse of the Dowry Act has come to light where the husband has been driven to commit suicide by his wife and

Wife to pay 20,000/- maintenance to Husband u/s24 Hindu Marriage Act- Delhi High court

* IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI + CM(M) 169/2009 Judgment Delivered on: 31.03.2011 RANI SETHI ….. Petitioner             Through : Mr. G.K. Sharma, Adv. versus SUNIL SETHI ….. Respondent      Through : Mr. B.P. Singh, Adv. CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE G.S.SISTANI Whether the Reporters of local papers may be allowed to seethe judgment?

How to fight criminal cases in India

Source – http://survive498a.wordpress.com/2014/07/09/how-to-fight-criminal-cases-in-india/ Every day several thousands false cases are done in India to implicate innocents. This article is an attempt to help those innocents in terms of money and escape root. This article is based on practical experience of husband of 498A woman in this blog. The husband is facing several false criminal cases

SC:- Employed Wife not entitle for Maintenance u/s 24 of HMA even if the Husbands Salary is 4 times higher.

Wife employed and earning a salary is NOT entitled to interim maint u/s 24 HMA, even though husband is earning four times MORE than the wife. Child – Daughter gets interim maintenance. Husband does NOT even attend the Supreme court hearing but still wife DENIED interim maintenance ! ****************************** IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

Alimony calculator to award maintenace to wife

One of the most important rights under divorce and matrimonial laws is the right to receive and claim alimony (maintenance). The term ‘alimony’ has its origin in the Latin word ‘Alimonia’, meaning sustenance. Generally speaking alimony means an allowance or amount which a court orders the husband to pay to the wife for her sustenance.