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Equality, Justice and Harmony

eMpower Family : In today’s India, there is no respect for elders, senior citizens and old aged parents; with one word of Daughter-in-Law, they are dragged to jail, in the name of eMpower Women. We oppose Biased Section 498A, and Domestic Violence Act, and strongly support New laws on Family Harmony. Scrap Gender Based Ministries

No arrests under anti-dowry law, time to make 498A bailable

Source – http://savefamily.in/155-no-arrests-under-anti-dowry-law-without-magistrates-nod-sc.html The Committee fears that failure to do so might leave no option except to dilute the law by making the same non-cognizable and bailable. In this context, the Committee recommends certain additional measures as contained in the succeeding paragraphs. From the supreme court July,2014 judgment , it had proved beyond reasonable dought