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Some useful govt Websites

Know Case details OnlineKnow PF Balance Online PF Establishment Search Tips – Just open the link in browser http://search.epfoservices.in/estt_search/est_search.php  Dont select any of the radio buttons. Select the last check box against “Also search on Estt. name (enter a few characters of estt. name or in full)” and enter your establishment name (like “Infosys”) and click search

How to avoid the misuse of 498a

Dowry is an illegal act in India and is a punishable offence under Sections 304B and 498a of the Indian Penal Code. It protects women from potential harassment by their husband’s family and provides a redressal mechanism. However, this section has come under severe criticism as it has been misused by many women and their

More False Allegations, Protecting Yourself

Many high-conflict divorce and custody situations are rooted solely in one’s desire to completely control their target.  The most effective way to accomplish this is by interfering in the targeted parent’s relationship with the children and vice-versa.  The harder you fight for your parental rights, the harder the controlling personality escalates.   This escalation will very


FAQ What if a husband does not want to bring wife back since wife filed many false case. Be prepared to pay maintenance to your wife and it depends on how much u fight back. and once the maintenance is granted – don’t expect that you will get divorced easily – as your BI*** will