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Patna High Court Personal Assistant 2019 Result Released on patnahighcourt.gov.in

Source – pagalguy.com

Patna High Court Personal Assistant 2019 Result

The result for Patna High Court Personal Assistant Exam 2019 has been released by the Patna High Court. Candidates appeared in the Patna High Court Personal Assistant Exam 2019 can check their results through the official website.

The computer-based test for the personal assistant exam 2019 was conducted on 24th August 2019. The CBT consisted of four tests, English Shorthand Dictation & Typing Test, Knowledge of Computer Application Test, English Language & Grammar Test and English Typing Test.

The recruitment is for the Patna, Bihar location. The Patna High Court Board have declared the qualified list of the candidates in CBT for Personal Assistant Exam 2019. Candidates qualifying with the minimum qualifying marks in the CBT will be able to appear for the next round which is interview.

The official website through which the candidates would be able to check Patna High Court Personal Assistant Exam Result 2019 is www.patnahighcourt.gov.in .

 Steps to check Patna High Court Personal Assistant Result 2019:

  • Visit the official website of Patna High Court mentioned above.
  • Click on the “recruitment Section” on the Home page of the official website.
  • Go to the link “Declaration of the result of Computer Based Examination for the post of Personal Assistant (Under Advt. No. – HC/02/2019)” on the Home Page.
  • A new page will open where you will get the PDF of the desired Result.
  • Candidates should take Print Out of result for future reference.

Direct link to download Patna High Court Personal Assistant Result 2019 – http://patnahighcourt.gov.in/pdf/UPLOADED/3234.PDF

 The recruitment drive is being carried out by the Patna High Court for fulfilling the vacancy of 131 posts of Personal Assistant. Candidates with Degree in any faculty or its equivalent from a recognized University were able to appear in the exam. The interview dates will be intimated shortly to the qualified candidates.