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People of Delhi salute Supreme Court of India

Source – dayafterindia.com

People of Delhi salute the Supreme Court of India for banning sale of crackers.The Delhi police is commended for the professional job to keep vigil on the unscrupulous elements.The Polluters have to pay heavy cost and suffer Jail.

Pollution control regulators are keeping hawk eyes on the eve of Dewali night. Monitoring Stations have been installed at residential complexes/areas,Hospitals,Industries,schools,colleges and stadiums etc.

Delhi despite Swatch Abhiyan hugely propagated by PM Modi has not made any difference in the Delhi’s dirt,filth and dusty conditions.People have taken Supreme Court directions seriously and decided to follow it as the most sensitive and credible diktat than the political narrative/rhetoric of PM Modi,though PM appears to be honest in Swatch Bharat program.The politicians are using it as photo opt and political stunt say the citizens of Delhi.

Citizens respect the consistency of Supreme Court on the strong measures of controlling pollution in the city.The CNG was vigorously introduced in all the public transport system,quality of fuel in the vehicles was improved and the polluting industries were shut by Supreme Court.

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