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Post-Article 370 abrogation, Jammu & Kashmir High Court opens jobs for candidates from all over India.

Source – financialexpress.com

In a first step of its kind, opening the state employment in the Union Territories of J&K and Ladakh for candidates from across the country after nullification of Article 370, the Jammu and Kashmir High Court has invited applications from eligible candidates from all over India to fill 33 vacancies with it. The 33 vacant posts of non-gazetted officials include those of senior scale stenographer, junior scale stenographer, steno typist, compositor, electrician and driver.

The advertisement to fill the vacancies was issued by the J&K High Court’s Registrar General Sanjay Dhar on December 26 with the last date for submission of applications being January 31, 2020. Following nullification of the Article 370 on August 5, there had been demands from various quarters, especially in the Jammu region and Union Territory of Ladakh, carved out of the erstwhile state of J&K after its bifurcation into two UTs, for a domicile certificate or some legal restrictions on the purchase of land by outsiders as well as their appointments in government jobs.

“The application forms shall be received by the concerned principal district judges of the UTs of J&K and Ladakh within whose jurisdiction the applicant resides against the proper receipts duly stamped. “The applicants who do not belong to the UTs of J&K and Ladakh shall submit their application to the Registrar General, J&K High Court, Jammu,” the advertisement read.

It said the principal district judges of Kashmir province, Bhaderwah, Kishtwar and Ladakh would make necessary arrangements for the receipt of application forms even during the ensuing winter vacation. “All principal district judges of J&K and Ladakh shall submit the application forms along with the list of candidates to the office of the Registrar General, J&K High Court, Jammu by or before February 7, 2020,” the advertisement said.

It said the selection would be made as per J&K Reservation Rules 2005. “The candidates who are having age as on January 1, 2019 not below 18 years and not above 40 years in case of open merit, 43 years in case of SC/ST/RBA/ALC/OSCs, 42 years in case of physically challenged, 48 years in case of ex-servicemen and 40 years in case of candidates in government service or contractual employees are eligible for participation in the selection process,” the notice read.