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Claim Your Website NowPunjab and Haryana High Court PCS Prelims 2019 Revised Result Released on highcourtchd.gov.in, Mains Exam from 22nd to 24th Nov.
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Punjab and Haryana High Court PCS Prelims 2019 Revised Result. The PCS (JB) Prelims revised Result 2019 has been released by the Punjab and Haryana High Court. Candidates appeared in this exam can download the result from the official website of Punjab and Haryana High Court.
The Punjab Civil Services (Judicial Branch) Preliminary Exam 2019 was on 25th August 2019. The exam was held across the state in various exam centres. The result was declared on 25th September 2019.
The recruitment board has uploaded the Punjab Civil Services (Judicial Branch) Prelims Revised Result 2019 on the official website after the judgment passed by the Honāble High Court in CWP 28691 of 2019 and 17 connected writ petitions.
The official website to get more details on Punjab and Haryana High Court PCS (JB) 2019 exam isĀ www.highcourtchd.gov.inĀ . Candidates can go through the following points to download the revised result.
Steps to Download Punjab and Haryana High Court PCS (JB) Prelims Revised Result 2019:
- Go to the official website of Punjab and Haryana High Court.
- Click on the link of āPunjab and Haryana High Court PCS (JB) Prelims Revised Result 2019ā.
- A PDF will open having the name of the selected candidates.
- Candidates can download the result and save it for future reference.
Candidates qualifying in the prelims exam or those whose roll numbers and names are mentioned in the list will be able to appear in PCS (JB) Mains 2019. The mains exam is scheduled to be from 22nd November to 24th November 2019 at Chandigarh.