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Rights to a woman in Indian Constitution

Source:- news.statetimes.in

India is a motherland of every citizen to enjoy his / her life without any fear and depression and enjoy right without any caste ,creed , colour and religions. Comparing a right to man, woman has equal right to in every sector against a man .

In India every woman has a right to take legal action against any person who assaults or tries to outrage her modesty by any deliberate constant gesture or physical force under Sec. 354 of IPC. Every woman has a right to lodge a complaint in the police station , if she is forced to have sexual intercourse against her under Sec. 376 of IPC.

A woman has the right to lodge a complaint if she is being harassed, even teased and passed rude remarks in public places like buses, trains, roads etc. under Sec. 354 of IPC. Every woman has a right to take legal action against her husband if she is being tortured both physical and mentally or tortured for not agreeing to the demand of money or valuables under Sec. 498(A) of IPC .

If the relations of the husband of a woman or her mother-in-law or any other relatives, torture her and demand money, valuable articles from her parents, she can lodge a complaint against them under Sec. 498 A of IP).

If a woman has been kidnapped and either forced against her will to marry any person or to have sexual intercourse, a crime has been committed and she has the right to lodge a complaint under Sec. 366 of IPC .

If any person demands or requests for sexual favours, passes sexually colored remarks, or verbally or non-verbally conducts himself in a sexual manner to the woman at her work place then she has the right to complaint against this harassment to her employer and the complaint would be lodged through as per procedure/guidelines of the Supreme Court. (Supreme Court judgement in Writ Petition No-666-700 of 1992 in Vishaka and others Vs State of Rajasthan). A woman if she is a witness has a right to be examined in her own house in the presence of her close relatives under Sec.160 of Cr PC . A woman should not sign the FIR unless she is satisfied that it is accurate. (National Commission for women).

If the officer concerned refuses to register the FIR, a copy of the complaint should be sent to the Deputy Commissioner of Police of the respective Division immediately.

Every woman has the right to take legal action by approaching the Court if the officer in charge does not take any action on the complaint. A woman can be searched, only by another woman with strict regard to decency under Section 51 and 100 Cr PC.

Any female occupant, who as per custom does not appear in public and not being the person to be arrested, has to be afforded reasonable opportunity to withdraw before entering a place for arresting a person who may be hiding there under Sec. 47 Cr PC. No male under the age of 15 years or a woman can be summoned by police as witnesses to depose about the facts and circumstances in a case under investigation at any place other than the place in which such male person or woman resides under Sec. 160 Cr PC.

“Legal Rights that every women must know ” Knowing the times that we are in, we give you, yet again, an overview of some important legal rights for women that every one must be aware of these.

Free Legal Aid

Exercise your right to free legal aid. Often, women go to the police station unaccompanied by a lawyer to get their statement recorded, and they stand the risk of being misquoted or their statement being tampered with. The police may also treat the entire episode lightly and not lodge an FIR. So, it is necessary to have a lawyer with you while you lodge the FIR. “According to a Delhi High Court ruling, whenever a rape is reported, the SHO has to bring this to the notice of the Delhi Legal Services Authority. The legal body then arranges for a lawyer for the victim,” says Saumya Bhaumik Women Rights Lawyer.

Right to Privacy While Recording Statement

Under section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code, a woman who has been raped can record her statement before the district magistrate when the case is under trial and no one else needs to be present. Alternatively, she can record the statement with only one police officer and woman constable in a convenient place that is not crowded and does not provide any possibility of the statement being overheard by a fourth person. The cops have to by law, upkeep the woman’s right to privacy. It’s important for the person to feel comfortable and not be under any kind of stress while narrating the incident.

Time doesn’t Matter

The police cannot refuse to register an FIR even if a considerable period of time has elapsed since the incident of rape or molestation took place. If the police tells you that they can’t lodge your FIR since you didn’t report it earlier do not concede. “Rape is a horrifying incident for any woman, so it’s natural for her to go into shock and not want to report it immediately. She may also fear for her safety and the reputation and dignity of her family.

For this reason, the Supreme Court has ruled that the police must register an FIR even if there has been a gap between the report and the occurrence of the incident,” says Tariq Abeed Advocate Supreme Court.

Email to the Rescue

According to the guidelines issued by the Delhi Police, a woman has the privilege of lodging a complaint via email or registered post. If, for some reason, a woman can’t go to the police station, she can send a written complaint through an email or registered post addressed to a senior police officer of the level of Deputy Commissioner or Commissioner of Police. The officer then directs the SHO of the police station, of the area where the incident occurred, to conduct proper verification of the complainant and lodge an FIR. The police can then come over to the residence of the victim to take her statement. Cops can’t Say No: A rape victim can register her police complaint from any police station under the Zero FIR ruling by Supreme Court. “Sometimes the police station under which the incident occurs refuses to register the victim’s complaint in order to keep clear of responsibility and tries sending the victim to another police station. In such cases, she has the right to lodge an FIR at any police station in the city under the Zero FIR ruling. The senior officer will then direct the SHO of the concerned police station to lodge the FIR,” says Abeed. This is a Supreme Court ruling that not many women are aware of, so don’t let the SHO of a police station send you away saying it “doesn’t come under his area”.

No Arrests after Sunset

According to a Supreme Court ruling, a woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise. There are many cases of women being harassed by the police at wee hours, but all this can be avoided if you exercise the right of being present in the police station only during daytime. “Even if there is a woman constable accompanying the officers, the police can’t arrest a woman at night. In case the woman has committed a serious crime, the police has to get it in writing from the magistrate explaining why the arrest is necessary during the night,” says Bhaumik.

You can’t be called to the Police Station

Women cannot be called to the police station for interrogation under Section 160 of the Criminal Procedure Code. This law provides Indian women the right of not being physically present at the police station for interrogation. “The police can interrogate a woman at her residence in the presence of a woman constable and family members or friends,” says Abeed. So, the next time you’re called to the police station for queries or interrogation when you have faced any kind of harassment, quote this guideline of the Supreme Court to exercise your right and remind the cops about it.

Protect your Identity

Under no circumstances can the identity of a rape victim be revealed. Neither the police nor media can make known the name of the victim in public. Section 228-A of the Indian Penal Code makes the disclosure of a victim’s identity a punishable offense. Printing or publishing the name or any matter which may make known the identity of a woman against whom an offense has been committed is punishable. This is done to prevent social victimisation or ostracism of the victim of a sexual offense. Even while a judgment is in progress at the high court or a lower court, the name of the victim is not indicated, she is only described as ‘victim’ in the judgment.

Doctor can’t Decide

A case of rape can’t be dismissed even if the doctor says rape had not taken place. A victim of rape needs to be medically examined as per Section 164 A of the Criminal Procedure Code, and only the report can act as proof. “A woman has the right to have a copy of the medical report from the doctor. Rape is crime and not a medical condition. It is a legal term and not a diagnosis to be made by the medical officer treating the victim. The only statement that can be made by the medical officer is that there is evidence of recent sexual activity. Whether the rape has occurred or not is a legal conclusion and the doctor can’t decide on this,” explains Bhaumik.

Employers must Protect

It is the duty of every employer to create a Sexual Harassment Complaints Committee within the organisation for redressal of such complaints. According to a guideline issued by the Supreme Court, it is mandatory for all firms, public and private, to set up these committees to resolve matters of sexual harassment. It is also necessary that the committee be headed by a woman and comprise 50 per cent women as members. Also, one of the members should be from a women’s welfare group. These rights proves that every women in India shall enjoy freely beside not to voilate these rights.

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