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Claim Your Website NowSection 498A & Abuse by Greedy Women Mafia
Indian Society used to feel proud that it is a family oriented and forward looking society. In a population of 100 Million, there are always good and bad people.. But Indian Lawmakers have done a whacky job by making 498A a tool for exploitation of our elders, families and kids. With 498A complaint a Daughter In Law can send her Husband, In-Laws and even kids in extended family of In-Laws to Jail. Law precieves you guilty before you even have a court date. Police, Ambulance Chasers lawyers and ofcourse the greedy women are part of this Mafia. Here is how the process works..
1. Girl Calls the Cops or puts in a complaint under section 498A and makes husband & Inlaws as respondents.
2. In some cases Police arrests people and throws them in jail without access to Legal Help. In other cases,respondents get a notice from Women Crime Cell or local Police Station. You cannot bring your lawyer to this meeting. You are pressurized by the cops to Settle for a huge sum of money with mafia defined earlier). If you do, u are given your settlement options which include large sums of money and false reports of jewellery (made as if Girl brought this with her when got married). You are told to pay the amount. In case you decline settlement or intent to settle, Step 3 kicks in.
3. After meeting formality is over, Corrupt Police arrests the respondents and there have been cases where they inflict physical and mential attrocities. There have been reports that kids as young as 3 years have been locked up part of the respondent family. This is done over the time when courts are off or it is a weekend in a planned conspiracy
4. Now your lawyer can bail you out and depending on type of people involved. Cops have a vested interest to make money out of this and they would oppose every move to bail out . There are cases where Cops will ask Bribe for not to touch you or not to oppose bail.
5. Your Greedy Wife or Daughter-In-Law goes back and lives in your property or your parents property while you are in Jail. Where is mental harassment now ? In some cases, the same greedy women in name of protection will make her boyfriend or lover to move into your home..
Isn;t all scary !! It is …an average 3-4 years out of your life are gone due to this. You loose opportunities, piece of mind, money and in some cases Husbands loose their own properties.
Well our lower Kangaroo courts don’t listen to you or your parents. You have to go to High Court to quash the FIR since 498A is non-compoundable offense.
Other beneficiaries of this Mafia operation are Women Commissions & NGO’s . Everyone gets their share out of the loot.
I know someone who is a Lt Col in Indian Army. He said once that we fight for country and when we get back country fights us with this exploitation. He personally went through the experience of this kangaroo law…Shame on you India ..Don’t you think you live in a bannana republic ?
In name of Women Liberalization, all these crimes are being inflicted on our elders ( including mothers) sisters, husbands & kids.
Why people have to go through this ordeal and are perceived guilty before convicted ? BTW conviction rate is 0.1 % on this as these domestic voilence laws are way for police, corrupt lawyers ( Dalals) and greedy girls to make money than fix a problem of dowry…
Indian Laws and India sides with wrong people .Examples are in every sphere of life
1. Rape Laws are misused by Middle Class & Upper Middle class women for their vested interests while poor Indian girls don’t get any justice since system is a bottleneck.
2. Property Rights- India really does not respect property rights of her citizens. Laws on the books are so old and are misused by Land Grab and property mafia. A Middle Class family can loose a home to the mafia due to law siding with occupant and not owner.
3. Intellectual Property Rights- India is a worst offender of Intellectual Property Rights. Piracy of software, Hollywood Digital Media is right open on streets. Indian Pharma sector did not even leave the global Pharma companies to steal their patents and IP and copy the drugs.
4. Police is protected by the law for abusing its own citizens. Fake Encounters and caste discrimination is rampant in India by the police.
Shame on you India !!!
Victims of 498A should rise up and stand together. We need to tell Indian Lawmakers to scrap this law. We need to expose the corrupts cops, greedy girls and Ambulance Chasers.
This Blog will give you a platform to do . You can always leave your comments as anonymous but you should leave the names of cops, dirty lawyers and Girls who are part of this nexus.
Our organisation’s aim is to expose this mafia and make sure we can use our honest friends in Indian Legal System to help us to land these corrupt people in Jail, make sure another men or family is not exploited by the same girl and these corrupt greedy women don’t find employment easily after they are exposed at-least in Indian Multinationals . We won’t go after anyone till we have proof and facts together.