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Supreme Court of India urges North Korea not to test any missile or bomb on Diwali

Source – fakingnews.firstpost.com

The Supreme Court has banned sale of firecrackers in Delhi NCR ahead of Diwali, citing various health probelms to the citizens. Ban is applicable during Diwali and choti Diwali and will be revoked before New Year eve. SC has not banned bursting of firecrackers which have been bought last year.

Though SC has banned the firecrackers but it has no methods to identify violators. Hence, SC has announced that all the loud and harsh sounds will be considered as crackers bursting and people responsible will be prosecuted. For the same reason SC has ordered a mandatory holiday to Republic TV, blocked YouTube channel of Dhinchak Pooja and has also requested North Korea not to test any missiles or bombs on Diwali.

North Korea has been threatening America for nuclear attacks and has also tested a few intercontinental missiles. A majority of Hindus aren’t very happy with the cracker ban and has targeted SC for being biased towards Hindu and their festivals. After Kim Jong Un’s announcement, a few staunch Hindu believers have started calling him a Hindu religion saviour.

After Kim Jong Un announced that anytime he will start a nuclear war against Unites States, Donald Trump was also seen buying some weapons.

SC judgment says that the poor quality of air in Delhi in November and December last year cannot be attributed to only of bursting fireworks. Statement clearly shows that Govt and SC’s vision for curbing pollution is as obscured as Delhi’s weather during winter. Government has no serious and workable steps to control rising air pollution. It’s time we collectively work throughout the year to curb air pollution and give next generation at least a little better atmosphere to live in. Faking News wishes you all a very Happy Diwali.

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