Source – The Madras High Court on Monday extended until further orders the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) cover ordered to be provided to its buildings at the Principal Seat here as well as its Bench in Madurai. It also said, the court’s Security Committee would hold deliberations in the next three months on From now the crime branch unit of Mumbai police will probe into fake passport and visa cases detected at Mumbai International Airport. Earlier, they used to fall under the purview of the local police stations. City police commissioner Sanjay Barve has recently issued out an official order regarding the same. The order states that
Source:- Looks like more and more Central Armed Police Force personnel are coming out in the open to question as well as demand their legal rights. In Bengaluru, CISF jawans who guard the hypersensitive Kempegowda International Airport have now sought legal aid to get their transport and house rent allowances. Instead of uploading videos