Source: Moved by videos shared on the social media regarding alleged cruel treatment meted out to three female elephants during translocation from Villupuram to Tiruchi recently, Justice G.R. Swaminathan of the Madras High Court visited them in his private capacity at the Forest department camp. After taking stock of Sandhya, 43, Indu, 34, and
Source- While the Project Elephant Division of the Ministry of Environment and Forest closely monitors trans-location of elephants, did the Assam Forest Department keep New Delhi in the dark about transportation of four elephants to Gujarat? Ranjana Gupta, Assam’s Chief Wildlife Warden, between June 12 and 14 granted permission to transport four juvenile elephants
Source: An animal rights group on Friday filed a public interest litigation petition in the Gauhati High Court challenging the Assam government’s decision to transport four juvenile elephants, two of them females, in railway wagons to Ahmedabad in Gujarat for the annual Rath Yatra festival at the Jagannath temple on July 4. Urmi Mala