source:-outlookindia The Himachal Pradesh High Court on Friday issued a notice to the state’s government in a PIL seeking financial help for the families of the individuals who have lost their lives due to Covid-19. The court has given three weeks’ time to the government to file a reply on the issues raised in the
Source:-newindianexpress NEW DELHI: With Justice Arun Mishra set to retire on September 2, the strength of the Supreme Court judges will not only get reduced to 30 from the total 34 but the regional imbalance will get further accentuated. As many as nine high courts are not represented at all in the apex court and
Source: A 25-year-old man from Hyderabad died and an Uttar Pradesh resident was injured in a paragliding accident in Himachal Pradesh’s Kullu district on Saturday, police said. The incident occurred at Shanag area near Manali. Two persons were injured and taken to a hospital, where doctors declared one of them brought dead, district Superintendent
Source:- “It is most unfortunate that the government of India acts so vindictively,” claimed Yatin Oza, GHCAA President. On Wednesday, June 19, Justices V Ramasubramanian and RS Chauhan were appointed Chief Justices of the High Courts of Himachal Pradesh and Telangana respectively after the government cleared their elevation. Justice DN Patel was named Chief