Source- India on Wednesday summoned the acting high commissioner of Pakistan and demanded the immediate and safe return of an IAF pilot who was captured by Pakistan following an aerial engagement by air forces of the two countries. It has also been made clear to Pakistan that no harm should be caused to the IAF
Source- Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has called a meeting of the National Command Authority, which controls the country’s nuclear arsenal, on Wednesday, hours after India launched an air strike on a terrorist camp in Balakot in response to the attack in Pulwama two weeks ago. Even though it denied that the Indian Air Force
Source- Hours after the government confirmed India’s air strikes on terror targets across the Line of Control, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said at a rally in Rajasthan’s Churu, “I assure you, the country is in safe hands. There is nothing above the nation.” PM Modi also said, “My soul says, today is the day to
Source- In an important development for the fighter aircraft squadrons of the country, the first indigenously overhauled Sukhoi-30 MKI frontline fighter jet was handed over by the Base Repair Depot (BRD) in Ojhar to the Indian Air Force. It will be deployed with the Air Force base in Pune. In a ceremony at the