Source:- Student from Tamil Nadu has moved the High Court over NEET application process. The Class XII student said that he missed the deadline for submitting application for writing the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET). The NEET exam is mandatory for MBBS/BDS admissions, has blamed the delay on confusion over the NEET status in Tamil
Source:- The Supreme Court has directed CBSE to allow students above 25 years to apply online for the NEET UG exam. The MCI and CBSE said that since the last date is already closed it will be difficult. The Counsel (petitioner) stated that in absence of regulation by Medical Council for India the age limit
Source – NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court of India will hear a petition tomorrow praying to postpone the date of National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET) 2017 exam which is scheduled to be conducted on May 7. The plea filed by Sankalp Charitable Trust, asked for the extension keeping in view of various reasons