Source: The Gujarat High Court on Monday stayed the order of the Special Secretary of Revenue Department (SSRD) in the case of a property transaction under the Disturbed Areas Act involving the Goradia and Fazlani families on the Vasna Tandalja road in Vadodara. In the order, the SSRD had directed the District Collector of
Source: TheĀ Directorate of Revenue IntelligenceĀ (DRI) has started sending notices to exporters after the Supreme Court stayed the Gujarat High Court order on availing an export-intensive scheme. The notices were issued to exporters in Mumbai, and Kolkata among other places in the country, said businesses and experts. The Supreme Court recently stayed the Gujarat High
Source: In a big relief IT giant Infosys, the Karnataka High Court has quashed Income Tax Notices against Infosys Limited. The Petitioner has challenged the proceedings initiated by the respondent under Section 147 r/w section 148 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 relating to the assessment years 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07. The Petitioner contended