Source: Former Union Minister discharged from Lucknow hospital on Monday A local court in Shahjahanpur on Monday rejected the bail plea of former Union Minister Swami Chinmayanand as well as that of the law student who has accused him of rape. Both are currently in judicial custody. While Mr. Chinmayanand is accused of misusing
Source: SHAHJAHANPUR: An Uttar Pradesh court has rejected the bail application of BJP leader Swami Chinmayanand, who was arrested in a sexual-assault case following rape allegations by a law student. Shahjahanpur chief judicial magistrate has rejected the bail application of Chinmayanand on Monday, saying it should be moved in the sessions court, the former
Source: Former Union minister and BJP leader Swami Chinmayanand, accused of sexually assaulting a 23-year-old law student at his ashram, was arrested Friday, four days after the woman recorded her statement before a magistrate in Shahjahanpur. Police have not booked him on the charge of rape, and invoked instead sexual intercourse by a person in authority,