Source:- CHENNAI: The Madras High Court today directed the Tamil Nadu Assembly Secretary to produce the video recording of the entire House proceedings on the day of the confidence vote which was adopted amid unruly scenes. The court gave the direction while issuing notice to Assembly Speaker P Dhanapal and Chief Minister K Palaniswami
Source:- The sale of cigarettes and tobacco products inside the Delhi High Court complex has been banned since June 16 this year, the court was informed on Wednesday. This decision was today communicated to a bench of Acting Chief Justice Gita Mittal and Justice C Hari Shankar during the hearing of a PIL by
Source:- New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday agreed to hear plea of former state school education minister and one of the key leaders of O Panneerselvam faction, K Pandiarajan, seeking to set aside the February 18 Tamil Nadu assembly trust vote on Palaniswami government. Contending the resolution was passed in total violation of