source:-newindianexpress CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami, in the assembly session on Wednesday, announced that steps would be taken for stricter punishment for crimes against women and children. According to the announcement, with the central government’s concurrence, steps would be taken to make the following amendments to Crimes against Women under the Indian
Source – Chennai: The Madras High Court on Tuesday asked the Tamil Nadu government to file a report on the status of unused borewells in the state by November 21. The court held a special sitting on Tuesday to hear a petition onĀ the death of two-year-old Sujith Wilson, who who was stuck in an abandoned
Source – The Madras High Court Wednesday directed the Tamil Nadu government to file by August 16 its counter to a petition by two life convicts in theĀ Rajiv GandhiĀ assassination case, seeking to be included in the list of 180 accused proposed for premature release on Republic Day eve. When the Habeas Corpus Petition filed