Source – The Telangana government on Wednesday informed the Telangana High Court that it would require Rs 300-400 crore to build the new proposed secretariat. The state also sought a 12-month period to finish the construction of the new buildings. An expert committee last year had recommended demolishing the original buildings and constructing a
Source – The Supreme Court set up a three-member inquiry commission today to investigate the recent killing of four Telangana rape and murder suspects in what the police said was an encounter. The commission will be headed by a retired Supreme Court judge, Justice VS Sirpurkar. The two others on the panel are former
Source – Hyderabad, December 9: Telangana High Court will hear the Telangana Encounter case today. The Court had earlier directed that bodies of the four accused (in rape and murder of woman veterinarian), who were killed in the encounter on December 6, be preserved by the State till 8:00 pm on December 9. The Telangana
Source – The Telangana government on Saturday ruled out any further talks with the striking employees of the Road Transport Corporation (RTC), though the employees’ union offered to drop their main demand of merger of the corporation with the state government as a pre-condition for talks. Principal secretary (transport) and in-charge managing director of
Source – HYDERABAD: The state government has expressed its inability to accede to the proposal of the Telangana High Court to form a high-power committee, comprising three former Supreme Court judges, to resolve the dispute with the striking RTC employees. The government urged the court to refer the matter to the labour court, saying it