Source: New Delhi: The CBI on Friday filed its charge sheet against BJP MLA Kuldeep Sengar and others in connection with the Unnao rape survivor’s accident in which two of her relatives were killed. In its first chargesheet filed before a special CBI court in Lucknow, the agency charged Sengar and all others named
Source: Rape accused MLA Kuldeep Sengar has finally been expelled from the BJP. He had been booked by the CBI over his alleged involvement in the accident of the Unnao rape survivor that happened on Sunday, July 29. Sengar, who is an MLA from Bangarmau assembly of Unnao district in Uttar Pradesh was arrested
Source – ALLAHABAD: The Allahabad High Court on Thursday slammed the Uttar Pradesh government on the Unnao rape incident and questioned the delay in the arrest of accused BJP MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar. The court will pronounce its verdict on Friday. It had on Wednesday treated a letter written by a senior advocate as a