Source:- The Hyderabad police has sought a Red Corner Notice against two brothers based in New York after their wives approached the police after one of them was divorced over WhatsApp. The older brother had done the same with his wife six months ago. The story came to light recently when Usman Qureshi sent
Source:- It will be a long working summer for the country’s top judges. For the first time in the Supreme Court’s history, three constitution benches of five judges each will sit during the summer break. These would be in addition to the two regular vacation benches set up every year to hear urgent matters. Chief
Source:- NEW DELHI: The Centre informed the Supreme Court on Wednesday that it would soon formulate a regulatory regime, similar to one existing for all telecom operators, for Over-The-Top (OTT) services like WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, WeChat and Google Talk. The department of telecom’s main argument was that OTTs use the network of telecom service
Source – The Supreme Court has sought the response of US-based instant messaging application firm WhatsApp Inc in a matter relating to blocking of videos of sexual offences on social networking sites. The court, while making WhatsApp Inc a party in the matter, said that the petitioner might send a detailed e-mail to them
Source – NEW DELHI: Messaging service WhatsApp, which has been used to share videos of Indian women being raped, told the Supreme Court today that it will help to block “sexually offensive” content from being shared on social media. Executives from the instant-messaging company, which has 200 million users in India, which is based
Source – indiatoday While a debate on triple talaq is on, one more case of divorce through Whatsapp has come in to light in Hyderabad. Badar Ibraheem, an MBA graduate was divorced by her husband through Whatsapp. Ibraheem was married to Mudassir Ahmed Khan, a resident of Tolichowki in 2016. Khan works in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Source – The Supreme Court on Thursday will hear the WhatsApp privacy policy case. Assuring the Supreme Court that it was actively considering a law on protecting data imprint of individuals on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites, the Centre had, on April 18, sought deferment of the hearing. Attorney general Mukul Rohatgi
Source – New Delhi: A five-judge constitution bench of the Supreme Court will from Monday start examining the privacy policy of instant messaging service WhatsApp, which has come under challenge on the ground that it allegedly infringed on the fundamental rights.The crucial matter has been listed before a second constitution bench during the summer vacation.
Source – There is no guaranteed right to privacy enshrined in the Indian constitution. However, in many judgements over several years, several legal luminaries have interpreted Article 21 – the right to life and liberty as giving rise to a somewhat limited right to privacy. There are a number of restrictions to a right to