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Uttarakhand High Court Group D Admit Card 2020 Released on ubtergd.in, Steps to Download Hall Ticket here

Source – pagalguy.com

The Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education (UBTE) would conduct the written examination on 02nd February 2020 and has now issued the admit card for the exam.

The written examination would be held to hire candidates for Uttarakhand High Court Group D 2019. Candidates who have applied for the same can download the admit card from the official website which is ubtergd.in

Download Process

Candidates can follow the below steps to download the admit card for the Uttarakhand High Court Group D Recruitment 2019:-

  1. Candidates would need to visit the official website of UBTE, www.ubtergd.in and click on the exam link.
  2. There are two ways to download the admit card. Candidates can download the admit card by choosing any one from registration number and Date of birth or by roll number.
  3. Candidates would then need to enter the relevant details of their choice and click on search button to view the admit card.
  4. Admit card can now be downloaded and print out should be taken for the future reference.

It is recommended that the candidates should reach the examination venue 45 minutes before the exam time to avoid the last minute rush. Candidates would not be allowed to enter the exam venue without the admit card and the photo ID proof.

Recruitment Exam

The examination for the Uttarakhand High Court Group D examination is scheduled to be conducted on 02nd February 2020 at 10:00 AM at different venues which are decided by board.

The question paper will consists of multiple choice questions as it will be objective type. The subjects included the question paper are General Knowledge, General English, General Hindi, Mathematics, and General science.

Candidates should note that there will be questions to test the knowledge on Uttarakhand also. There will be 100 questions for total of 100 marks paper and there is no negative marking for wrong answers.