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Video of Manju Agarwal tortures husband on strength of false 498A

See the video and hear the voice and see the transcript below. Video needs to be seen along with audio to know the truth. In this video the 498A woman Manju Agarwal is doing the acting of self beating. She knows that Indian laws are biased towards women. She is trained by her mother this way. She is aware that she is on camera but still see her tenacity to take revenge from husband. Openly she is hurting herself before camera and blaming the husband for that. Great Indian Woman!!!
All females of the family are very well trained to do this type of drama. See how Manju Agarwal is calling her husband  as Harami ki aulad (Son of a bastard). She is staying in home of husband and calling him by this name. It is not immediately known to this blog how she learnt this art of abusing. It appears that Manju Agarwal’s mother Kamala Devi would have been calling Manju’s father by this name. Since Niharika and Anmol are witnessing this incident and helping their mother doing so they must have learnt this art by now. So the would be husbands of Niharika and Anmol be ready to hear this name for you


Manju: Wife
Husband: Husband
Niharika: Elder daughter
Anmol: Younger daughter
8th Nov 2012: Woman Tortures husband video (Manju doing drama of self-beating)

Manju:             You will not stay with me
Husband:         I requested the police
Anmol:             Mummy!!!! (Attempts to stop mummy)
Husband:         I requested the police too much to come
Manju:             OK, show me how you can stay here. Show how you stay here. Show how you stay here. Anmol murmurs something in Manju’s ear. Yes!                     OK! Nothing happens from his saying. You two people (daughters) are not seeing that he is assaulting me. You stay with your kept sala (Abuse)
Anmol:             Yeeeeees!
Husband:         See you have done this type of acting before
Manju:             One minute. She bumped her head with almirah. One bump sound comes
Niharika:         Papa don’t beat mummy
Husband:         I am not beating
Manju:             You are beating me. Let police come. Tell to the police the same thing. You are beating me
Anmol:             Papa is beating mummy
Husband:         I have not even touched you
Anmol:             Papa, Don’t beat mummy
Manju:             You are beating me and also doing recording
Husband:         I have not even touched you
Manju:             No you are beating me. Just now you have assaulted me. How you can do such type of acting. One slap sound comes (She had slapped herself). How a person can do so much of acting
Husband:         Where I am beating you?
Manju:             Do the recording. You are continuously beating me and doing the recording.
Anmol:             Papa please don’t beat mummy
Manju:             Are Baap re! (Oh!). You will kill me and police will not do anything?
Husband:         You, you are hitting yourself
Manju:             I will hit myself?
Husband:         OK!
Manju:             You are beating me and beating me and you are not seeing it? She hits husband.
Husband:         Gets hit and says Ah!
Anmol:             Papa don’t beat
Manju:             You are doing acting sala (abuse). You are fleeing after beating me. Wait and let police come here
Husband:         Call the police. Let the police come
Manju:             You have assaulted me. Police is coming
Husband:         But I have not assaulted you
Manju:             Yea you have assaulted me.My children are witness to that. You have killed me. You have pulled my hair and banged my head.
Husband:         But there is no enjury on head
Manju:             No, there is a bump on the head. Kill me. You have come to kill me. Let my blood come out
Husband:         I have come to my home. Let me stay in my home
Manju:             No you have not come to home. You have come to kill me. You will not be allowed to stay. You will kill me. Court and police will have to take guaranty that you will not kill me
Husband:         Till date I have not beaten you.
Manju:             You have always beaten me. Even you have admitted in writing that you have beaten me. Yes you have written that. You have always beaten me. Also you have tried to kill me
Niharika:         Still beating
Manju:             You have beaten me sala. She shows some injury marks in hand. This also you have done to me.
Husband:         I have not done this. You have done this to yourself
Manju:             You will keep on hitting me and I will bear that? Phone rings. Hello! She speaks in phone. Is police coming? He is hitting me. He is saying that I have assaulted myself.
Husband:         Who is that? Is he Saif Bhai? Is that person Saif Alam on phone?
Manju:             Yes it is Saif Alam
Husband:         Why you stay here? Go and stay with Saif Alam?
Manju:             You go and stay with her (your kept). I am staying with my children
Husband:         I also want to stay with my children
Manju:             No, my children will not see their mother getting beaten up. Children will you see how your mother gets beaten up like this? Do you people want to stay with Husband?
Husband:         Why you are teaching wrong things to children?
Manju:             You will beat me and I am teaching wrong thing. Nikal jay aha se (Get out from here). Police is coming? (Talks on phone.. OK should I go to do MC)
Husband:         You injured yourself and going to do MC
Manju:             Gestures to tear her blouse. Why you are tearing my clothes?
Husband:         I have not done anything
Manju:             Of course you have torn my clothes. She slaps husband and a slap sound comes and camera jerks. Why you will beat me?
Husband:         I am not doing anything
Manju:             You are beating me. Beating me and beating me. Ask my children
Children:         You are beating
Manju:             You are beating me. My children are telling lies and you are only saying the truth? You are only the person who was born as truth teller and everybody else is liar?
Husband:         You know perfectly well that I am not doing anything.
Manju:             You are beating me. You have never admitted that. You have never admitted that
Husband:         See I want to settle everything and stay peacefully
Manju:             No! I don’t want to stay. You want to settle?
Husband:         I have come for that only
Manju:             Saala Harami ki aulad (Bloody! son of bastard!). Harami ki aulad why you want to stay with me? Why? You want to assault me? Am I a thing to be assaulted? Sala harami ki aulad. I will tell you what is called beating. You will beat me? You are a liar. You are assaulting me and I am telling lie?
Husband:         Where I have beaten you. I have not even touched you
Manju:             You have beaten me
Husband:         There is no injury marks on your body
Manju:             Suddenly bangs her head with Almirah and a bump sound comes in recording
Manju:             You have bumped my head
Husband:         Surprised!! What?
Manju:             You have bumped my head. You have bumped my head right now. You bumped my head. You bumped my head and nothing will happen if you do recording
Husband:         I have not done anything
Manju:             You will keep on bumping my head and doing recording? Will you bump my head? Will you kill me?
Husband:         It is very difficult to stay with you. I am going.
Manju:             Please!
Husband:         I am going
Manju:             No you cannot go just like that after assaulting me. You cannot go before police comes. She repeats the same line several times. She blocks and restricts the husband from going
Husband:         Releases himself and says aahs! He goes out
Manju:             Shouts! You cannot go!
Husband:         I will come again

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